My primary focus is working down my stash to a level that fits into my home. I have lost an attic, garage, shed and a few extra rooms with closets. Bummer!
I have been assisted by a minor flood in the room I was using for storage - the 2nd bedroom, maybe 12x11 or so less a closet almost the width of the room with floor to ceiling doors - off their tracks. That problem was repaired as the maintenance personnel had to get into that closet because it appeared to be the source of the water. It wasn't but both doors now slide - sort of. I will need some silicone spray or something to help them slide.I
I had to empty the room and a month later, after the carpet was cleaned, started moving stuff back less excess junk and sorted so all handspun is together, sock yarns, yarns to be gifted or used for those who don't sort laundry, and so on. A huge amount of books are to be run to McKays (an institution in TN and with those who have lived here). Projects that can be called WIPs were gathered to be worked on and completed. Items which cannot be matched up with their patterns were frogged and the yarn moved to its home - handspun, etc. Not yet started items were also gathered. Their final fate has yet to be determined.
I'm not yet done - but I'm down to the tedious stuff - paperwork. 'Nuff said.
So progress of items since last year.
First, I found and completed a washcloth. It's five petals, worked separately then joined and the center decreases down and is tied off.
The other 2 petals are there, it's just this is huge - almost 10" across. It's knit in a 10-ply cotton yarn.
If anyone is interested in the pattern, leave a comment and I'll dig up the link. It's a free pattern out of Canada.
Next knitted WIP was a pair of socks called Shazbat. I finished them and have worn them - they fit beautifully and I love them.
For some reason the colors are wonky in the photo. My walls are a pale gold and the socks are a dark green. The good part? The pattern shows well. I'm not a contortionist so I can't show the pattern that goes up the back of the socks - this older body just doesn't allow me to do things like that any more.
Now for the stitching. First up the Stitch-along (SAL) which started January 1. This is a HAED BB SAL and people could choose one of four designs. I chose Undercover and did start it on January 1. It is a section of a larger retired design and has a lot of color changes in a small area (stitchers call this confetti) So here is my progress after two weeks of work.
For those who can't see the whole thing (most of which isn't stitched yet), it is a fawn laying down in the forest. What isn't part of the SAL is the trillium around the fawn. This will be for my younger granddaughter when it is done. I have also found three free Skylander characters in cross stitch for her three brothers.
Next I have progress on Pink Spotted Orchid, another retired HAED design. I don't think I've posted a 'before' photo so I'll post the last one of 2014 followed by the one showing where I am now.
The photo at left was taken 11 December.
And 6 February. I realize for some this is as exciting as watching paint dry, but it allows me to see that I am making progress.
The non-HAED I decided to work on this year is Blackstone Fantasy Garden by Ink Circles. It is a Celtic Knot in cross stitch with the resulting spaces filled with blackwork. Rather than using black threads, this garden is using some beautifully dyed floss. Here are the before taken in 2013
and after:

Finally there is Fireside Fairytales, another HAED design.
The before is from mid-December 2014. I'm not going to post an after one as the change really isn't visible right now. I've completed page 1 and am working on page 2. There are 6 pages across on this design and maybe 7 rows (can't remember right now). The only goal I've set on each of the HAED designs is to complete the current page and one other, except for the fawn, which I want to complete this year.
Other projects? Well I have been weaving more. I hope to have at least one of the towels completed in February. I've also done some spinning and taught a person to spin on a spindle just last week. I've told her to let me know when/if she wants to learn more or other types of spinning.
Next knitting WIP will be a pair of socks I've been working on forever. They are 2-color knitting and a design from Janel Laidman called Granada.
I'll be at work again on these (the above is only the first sock) probably starting this weekend.
So that's it for this month. We're having snow and ice in small amounts but have more forecast for Friday afternoon. So I'm staying in and staying warm. You do the same.