Cataract surgery, that is. I've had the right eye done and the left one will be done this coming Wednesday. This is about the easiest surgery I have ever had. Don't change clothes, get an IV and 2 extra strength Tylenol and about 30 minutes. Meds in the Valium family to make you less nervous but not asleep. Wow. The worst part was the three drops in each eye every 2 hours afterward. 5 minutes between each drop. Now I have a chart showing me what drops go in when for the next 4 weeks.
So today DH and I went to the Nashville Lawn & Garden show. We were about half way there and DH asked if it was in a covered area at the State Fairgrounds. I said if not, we would not stay. It's been raining since last night, off and on - mostly on. The show was nice - not great but I did take some photos.
I've never seen a green Antirrhinum but they were used in an arrangement which looked great:
And for my daughter - a unique chicken coop setup. And it can be moved. 2 photos so the chickens can be seen:
The upper area is where they can roost or lay their eggs. There are handles for lifting and moving so they can have fresh grass.
One thing I love are orchids. The Lady Slipper ones are favorites. There were many orchids at the show but not too many of the slipper type. Here's one I liked: Well make that two:
Now on the Knitting/Spinning front - I'm making some socks for one granddaughter. I made the hat but she was shocked when she took it off and touched something. Autism often includes sensory issues so the hat is not a favorite. According to her mom, this young lady took her mother's handknit socks right off mom's feet so I think socks will go well for her. No photos yet but I will take some. First sock is done and I'm starting the heel on the second. These are knit cuff down.
The photos are of my finished socks - for me! The pattern is Hermione's Everyday Socks and were a fun knit. These will be knit again!
I've also started the Evensong Shawl by Susan Pandorf
If you scroll down the page, it is on the right side and is GORGEOUS. I'm using yarn from The Woolen Rabbit in a color originally purchased to knit Moroccan Days, Arabian Nights, also one of Susan's patterns. The link takes you to the yarn & color I'm using.
I need to take photos of the yarn on the wheel and a spindle. The wheel has a blend of alpaca, merino and silk. The colorway is Enchanted I believe and it is the Feb/Mar spin along from AllSpunUp.
The Bosworth Spindle has a merino/silk blend in a graduated colorway - from a copper to the deep green that copper turns as it ages in the weather. I'm going to spin each color - either 4 or 5 - on its own as a two ply and then knit a shawl from it. That way I preserve the colors and it should be great. I think I will do the Aeolian Shawl with the yarn when it is done. More details when I post photos.
So that's all for now.