Sunday, February 1, 2009

Crazy February coming up

Well, it ended up a crazy January and now, a crazy February. 61 days to Nashville so I'm starting to pack and discard stuff. Not much knitting, stitching or anything else. Hubby has painted 4 rooms so far so now I need to buy 3 gallons of paint for the upstairs bedrooms, 2-3 gallons if the living room and stairwell need to be re-done and then buy a new light/fan for the living room. Will probably get smaller light/fan units for the two smaller bedrooms upstairs.

Well, that's wrong. I have been able to meet with fellow knitters a few times in January and hope to do the same in Feb. I am still knitting away on the Murano scarf and now have slightly more or less of 3 feet done. I've only knit about 2 -4 rows of Magic Carpet Ride. I hope, as things get done, there will be more time to knit and stitch.

New entries here will be few for a while but I hope to post at least one time per month and have photos with the next post.


Unknown said...

So what is on in Nashville?

Dearest Daughter said...

DD here - I'm surprised she didn't mention the anticipated one's arrival on Friday the 13th.

It was close - barely before Valentine's Day! Sorry Mom, we call him Fuzzhead, and his next older brother is Flounderhead when he shows about as much sense as a two-month old puppy.

Quotable quote from Flounderhead, upon finding a quarter on the floor and claiming it: "Look! I found some cents!" (we heard "sense", and busted up laughing).