...fall off the face of the earth, tho' I may have teetered on the edge a bit. : )
A quick summary of knitting follows:
1. Frogged Secret of the Stole as I wasn't enjoying the knit very much. This isn't really my style of knitting. I can and do admire the work others have done on the Stole.
2. Started Mystic Waters. I'm still slogging through Clue 2 (Clue 5 was released this week) but things may perk up a bit on the knitting front with this one.

Please note the color isn't quite as turquoise-y
3. Began the Celtic tote from Interweave Knits Winter 2007.

This shows one of the two cables on the front and back of the purse/tote. It will be outlined by a reddish brown yarn and then felted slightly. This curls a lot and I couldn't find pins to pin it out. If you can keep your wits about, it is a fairly quick knit.
I've also been doing a bit of work on Autumn Rose by Eunny Jang. I'm still working on the ribbing so won't post photos until I get into the pattern work. This is a fair isle style pullover with a beautiful deep scooped neckline. I've seen others finished work, including one on a woman shaped like I am (fluffy), and it looked wonderful on her - so I'm hopeful!
Last week was Thanksgiving here in the US. Thursday was quiet but on Friday DS and his family arrived - along with the two newest members, a Maltese puppy and a Shi Tsu puppy. They were very well behaved. The two grandkiddles went to the TN Aquarium with DH and myself and had a good time.
Saturday DH and I drove around, including going up Lookout Mountain. Folks, if you like windy, curvy, narrow roads with awesome views, the drive up the mountain is for you. I'm "nervous" about heights and only held the car on the road twice. I didn't look off the edge much, but didn't freak out. Yeah for me!
It was cloudy and had a few sprinkles but still a wonderful view from the Point (a National Park). I love the sign on the edge of the cliff. For those who are not students of the Civil War, the Battle of Chattanooga was basically won by default. The Confederacy had left the mountain so no one was there when a few Union soldiers climbed the bluff to the top. There was a fight and about 900 soldiers died and 3,000 were injured or missing, mostly from NY and IL. That isn't much if you look at other battles, such as Battle of Stones River about 100 miles NW of here where between 23,000 and 26,000 died and the river ran red with blood.

I grew up in New England where Fife and Drum Corps and the Revolutionary War were important to residents. Here in the south, the Civil War is much more a part of life with re-enactments being fairly common. I still love listening to Fife and Drum units!
I'm trying once again to post more often. Hopefully I can save enough time in my life to fit this in. Otherwise I'll have to post daily goals and whether they are met or not.